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Data update schedule

The data behind each of the dashboard tiles will be updated as close as possible to the release date of the source data. Please see the expected schedule of updates below. For direct access to the data source, click on the data source link provided.


Schedule of data updates

Dashboard menu title

Data source

Approximate scheduled update

Building approvals - dwellings approved

Building approvals - new residential dwellings

Building approvals - value of buildings

ABS: Building Approvals, Australia

First week of the month (monthly)

Australian property value

Australian property sales by value

CoreLogic: Home Property Value Index

First week of the month (monthly)

Building approvals - Local Government Area

ABS: Building Approvals, Australia

Second week of the month (monthly)

Lending commitments to households

Lending commitments to first home buyers

Average loan sizes for dwellings

ABS: Lending indicators

Second week of the month (monthly)

Monthly authorised deposit-taking institution statistics

APRA: Monthly Authorised Deposit-taking Institution Statistics

Last week of the month (monthly)

Housing stock and construction (OECD)

Housing prices (OECD)

Household tenure (OECD)

Home ownership (OECD)

Housing costs (OECD)

Social rental housing stock (OECD)

Homelessness estimates (OECD)

OECD: Affordable Housing Database

Mid 2024 (TBC, annual)

Australian population projections

ABS: Estimates and Projections, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians

Friday 26 July 2024 (quinquennial)

Change in rental prices - CPI

ABS: Consumer Price Index, Australia

Friday 02 August 2024 (quarterly)

Change in household living costs

ABS: Selected Living Cost Indexes, Australia

Friday 09 August 2024 (quarterly)

Housing loan interest rates

RBA Statistical Tables:

Monetary Policy Changes – A2

Interest Rates and Yields – Money Market – Monthly – F1.1

Lending Rates – F5

Friday 09 August 2024 (irregular)

Non-performing residential property loans

APRA Quarterly authorised deposit-taking institution statistics

September 2024 (TBC, quarterly)

Residential property transfers - value and volume

ABS: Total Value of Dwellings

Friday 13 September 2024 (quarterly)

Australian population

Australian population - age and sex


ABS: National, state and territory population

Friday 20 September 2024 (quarterly)

National accounts - household balance sheet

National accounts - loan outstandings to households for housing

ABS: Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth

Friday 27 September 2024 (quarterly)

Building activity - value of residential work

Building activity - dwelling construction

ABS: Building Activity, Australia

Friday 11 October 2024 (quarterly)

Rental Affordability Index

Rental Affordability Index - postcode

SGS Economics & Planning: Rental Affordability Index

November 2024 (TBC, annual)

Indigenous home ownership program key data 

IBA: Indigenous home ownership program

Late 2024 (TBC, annual)

Australian Government home buyer assistance

Housing Australia: HGS Trends and Insights Report

Late 2024 (TBC, annual)

Australian population projections - age and sex

Centre for Population: National age & sex structure

December 2024 (TBC, annual)

Homelessness services - client characteristics

Homelessness services - housing outcomes

AIHW: Specialist Homelessness Services Collection

Wednesday 11 December 2024 (annual)

Australian migration

ABS: Overseas Migration

Friday 13 December 2024 (annual)

Housing costs as a proportion of income (HILDA)

Low income households in housing stress

Persistence of housing stress, low income households

The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey

Early 2025 (TBC, annual)

Australian population change - Local Government Area

Australian population change - SA2

Australian population change - Remoteness Areas

ABS: Regional population

Friday 28 March 2025 (annual)

Capital gains and rent - Individuals by postcode

Capital gains from real estate by entity

ATO: Taxation Statistics

Mid 2025 (TBC, annual)

Dwellings, households and household occupants

Dwellings and income units by Local Government Areas

Dwellings by Remoteness Areas

Wait lists

Suitability of social housing size

Financial assistance for housing

AIHW: National Housing Assistance Data Repository - Housing assistance in Australia

July 2025 (TBC, annual)

Household mean weekly housing costs

Housing costs as a proportion of household income (ABS)

Low income rental households in rental stress

Household tenure

Household estimates 

ABS: Housing Occupancy and Costs

2025 (TBC, biennial)

Tenant satisfaction with services

Housing amenities - tenant ratings

AIHW: National social housing survey

2026 (TBC, biennial)

Home ownership by birth cohort

Indigenous home ownership by birth cohort

AIHW: Australia's welfare 2023 - Home ownership and housing tenure snapshot

Mid 2027 (TBC, quinquennial)

Home ownership by age group

Indigenous home ownership by age group

ABS: Census of Population and Housing: Housing

Mid 2027 (TBC, quinquennial)

Household income

Household wealth

Household debt

Wealth distribution - household characteristics

Household wealth - housing tenure status

ABS: Household Income and Wealth, Australia

2027 (TBC, biennial)

Homeless estimates - personal characteristics

Homeless estimates - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons

Homelessness estimates - main source of income by operational group 

Homeless estimates - personal characteristics by operational group

People in other marginal housing

Homeless estimates - geography

ABS: Census of Population and Housing: Estimating homelessness

Mid 2028 (TBC, quinquennial)

Australian population projections

ABS: Population Projections, Australia

No updates scheduled (TBC, quadrennial)

Australian household projections

ABS: Household and Family Projections, Australia

No updates scheduled (TBC, quadrennial)

Households financial characteristics (2020)

People without a permanent place to live (2019)

People with experiences of homelessness (2014)

Financial statistics (2014)

Financial stress (2014)

ABS: General Social Survey, Summary Results, Australia

No updates scheduled (TBC, quadrennial)

Monthly banking statistics (historic, discontinued)

APRA: Monthly Banking Statistics (historical data)

No updates scheduled (dataset discontinued)

Temporary loan repayment deferrals (historic, discontinued)

APRA: Temporary loan repayment deferrals due to COVID-19

No updates scheduled (dataset discontinued)

Residential property price index - capital cities (historic, discontinued)

ABS: Residential Property Price Indexes: Eight Capital Cities

No updates scheduled (dataset discontinued)