Homelessness: Homelessness services - client characteristics

People experiencing either homelessness or situations placing them at risk of homelessness seek assistance through specialist homelessness services (SHS).
The SHS Collection (SHSC) began in 2011–12, replacing the Supported Accommodation Assistance Program (SAAP). Data include specific key client groups, housing outcomes, and service provision. Client groups are not mutually exclusive, that is, clients may be counted in one or more groups. Crude rates are reported for all client groups except Indigenous clients where the rate is directly age-standardised.
SHSC data are also used in the following dashboard menu option: Homelessness services - housing outcomes.
See AIHW - Specialist homelessness services annual report for in-depth commentary and analysis, including geographical information, interactive data visualisations and important data quality information. Source reference Specialist homelessness services historical data tables 2011–12 to 2022–23, tables HIST.CLIENTS to HIST.ADF.