Housing affordability: Housing prices (OECD)

Housing prices capture the financial burden of purchasing a dwelling. Housing prices compared to income illustrate the affordability of owning a dwelling.
The Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) Affordable Housing Database publication includes the price-to-income ratio and the real house price index of housing in the OECD countries. The price-to-income ratio is calculated by dividing nominal house prices by nominal disposable income per head, using 2015 as a base year. The real house price index is calculated with nominal house prices deflated by a private consumption deflator, also using 2015 as a base year. The indicators are based on national and sub-national house price indices.
OECD data are also used in the following dashboard menu options: Social rental housing stock (OECD), Household tenure (OECD), Home ownership (OECD), Housing stock and construction (OECD), Housing costs (OECD), and Homelessness estimates (OECD).
See the OECD Affordable Housing Database for further information, including definitions, methods commentary and analysis, in particular data and comparability issues. Source reference OECD Data Explorer: Analytical house prices indicators, Measures: Real house prices indices and Price to income ratio, Download: Filtered data in tabular text (CSV).